bible pretrib

Where Does the Bible Explicitly Teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?

The concept of the rapture – when believers will be suddenly caught up to meet Christ in the air – is a source of hope and anticipation for many Christians. But does the Bible explicitly teach that this event will occur before the tribulation period? Let’s examine some key passages to see what Scripture reveals…

How Can the Rapture Be Imminent

How Can the Rapture Be Imminent If Certain Prophecies Must Be Fulfilled First?

The concept of the rapture’s imminence has long been a topic of debate among Christians studying end-times prophecy. At first glance, it may seem contradictory to claim the rapture could happen at any moment if specific events must occur beforehand. However, a closer look at Scripture reveals how these ideas can be reconciled. Understanding Imminence…

Is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Just an Escape Theology

Is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Just an Escape Theology?

The pre-tribulation rapture view has often been criticized as an “escape theology” that allows Christians to avoid suffering. But is this a fair characterization? Let’s examine this claim and see what the Bible actually teaches about the rapture and Christian suffering. What is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture View? The pre-tribulation rapture view holds that Jesus Christ…

Jesus return

Does the Bible Teach Jesus is Coming Back Just Once, Making the Pretribulation Rapture Impossible?

Many people assume that Jesus will only return once at the end of the age. This leads some to conclude that a pretribulation rapture of the church is impossible, since it would require two separate comings of Christ. However, this objection overlooks some important biblical and historical considerations. The Jewish Expectation of Messiah’s Coming Interestingly,…

Understanding the First Resurrection and the Rapture

Understanding the First Resurrection and the Rapture

The concept of the “first resurrection” is a key element in understanding end-times events. Many people wonder how it relates to the rapture and Christ’s millennial reign. Let’s explore this topic and address some common objections. What is the First Resurrection? The first resurrection is mentioned in Revelation 20:4-6: “I saw thrones on which were…

Why Christians Will Be Spared from the Tribulation

Why Christians Will Be Spared from the Tribulation

Throughout history, Christians have faced persecution and suffering for their faith. From the early church martyrs to modern-day believers in hostile nations, following Christ has often come at a great cost. So why do some Christians believe they will be spared from the coming Tribulation period? Let’s examine this question and address some common objections….