missing church

Is the “Missing Church” Argument Valid?

The “missing church” argument is a common point raised in discussions about end times prophecy. This argument notes that the word “church” (Greek: ekklesia) appears frequently in Revelation chapters 1-3, but then is absent from chapters 4-19 which describe the tribulation period. Some see this as evidence that the church will not be present on…

2 comings of Jesus

Does a Pre-Trib Rapture Create Two Separate Comings of Christ?

The question of whether a pre-tribulation rapture creates two separate comings of Christ is an important one to consider. At first glance, it may seem that believing in a rapture before the tribulation period does split Christ’s return into two events. However, a closer look reveals that this view actually aligns well with Scripture and…

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture in Church History

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture in Church History: Explaining Its Apparent Absence Before the 1800s

The pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, which teaches that Christ will remove believers from earth before the tribulation period, seems conspicuously absent from church writings prior to the 19th century. This apparent silence has led some to question the validity of the pre-trib view. However, there are several important factors to consider when examining this issue. The…

Why Would God Remove the Church from Being a Witness During the Tribulation

Why Would God Remove the Church from Being a Witness During the Tribulation?

The question of why God would remove the church from being a witness during the tribulation is important to touch on God’s purposes for different groups of people in His plan. To answer this, we need to understand what the Bible teaches about the tribulation period and God’s distinct plans for Israel and the church….

darby pretrib

The Origins of Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theology: Separating Fact from Fiction

The pre-tribulation rapture view has been a topic of debate among Christians for nearly two centuries. Some critics claim this theology originated with John Nelson Darby in the 1800s, dismissing it as a recent invention. But is this an accurate portrayal of pre-trib origins? Let’s examine the facts. Who Was John Nelson Darby? John Nelson…

jesus praying rapture

Does John 17:15-26 Contradict the Pre-Tribulation Rapture?

Many Christians wonder if Jesus’ prayer in John 17:15-26 contradicts the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture. Let’s examine this passage and address this important question. Understanding Jesus’ Prayer In John 17, Jesus prays for His disciples and all future believers. A key verse often cited is John 17:15: “I do not ask that you take…

matt 24

Does Matthew 24 Place the Gathering of Believers After the Tribulation?

Matthew 24 is a key passage in understanding end times events. In this chapter, Jesus gives an important prophecy about future events, including the tribulation period and His second coming. Some interpret this passage as teaching that believers will be gathered after the tribulation. However, a careful examination reveals this is not necessarily the case….

tribulation saints

Explaining the Presence of Saints During the Tribulation in Revelation

The book of Revelation describes a period of intense tribulation on earth before Christ’s return. During this time, we see references to “saints” or believers who are present and enduring great hardship. How do we explain their presence, especially if the church has already been raptured? Let’s explore this question by examining what Revelation tells…

trump rapture

Does the “Last Trumpet” in 1 Corinthians 15 Refer to the End of the Tribulation?

The “last trumpet” mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:52 has been debated among Bible scholars for many years. Some argue that this trumpet refers to the end of the tribulation period, while others believe it signifies a different event entirely. Let’s examine this question in detail. Understanding the Context First, we need to look at the…